CITB gains Consensus


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CITB gains Consensus

Following the biggest consultation period in CITB’s history, CITB are able to confirm the results of Consensus.  IFF Research LTD surveyed 4,000 employers that were liable to pay levy, and were not represented by a Consensus Federation. Employers were asked to provide a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer to the questions asked but if they were unsure, their answer was recorded as ‘Don’t know’. Based on the sample size and responses received, the results are accurate to a confidence level of 99%, with a confidence interval of +/-1.8%.  SPRA CEO note: Build UK is the consensus federation for SPRA and our members. A majority of the members that responded to the survey came out in favour of this result. I am pleased that Build UK reported membership support for CITB following the consensus procedure, despite knowing that a minority of our members were not in favour. The reasons for discontent are many and complex, and CITB must now ensure that they retain our support and act swiftly to realise the promised reforms. As a specialist federation, SPRA, its members and the wider single ply industry have benefitted significantly from working closely with the CITB. Our collaboration has led to the development of Level 2 qualifications and courses for single ply membrane waterproofing – and the current support of the roofing Basic Competency Programme has recognised the important role manufacturers also play in training our specialist workforce. As a result, SPRA is now able to offer a true career path for single ply operatives. This would not have been possible without the CITB and I hope we can develop our collaborative efforts into the future for the continued benefit of the single ply industry.

Source: CITB and SPRA CEO